What You Need to Know About Hand Numbness
Do you remember the first time your hand fell asleep? Or the first time you closed a door on your hand? Or what about when you hit your “funny bone” and your hand started to tingle? Everyone has had tingling, pain or numbness at some point in their lifetime. What if this occurred all the time? How would that affect your life? Persistent symptoms in the hand can cause you to lose strength and coordination, and can interfere with routine and daily tasks.
What is happening when your hand goes numb?
Here are a few causes of hand numbness:
- Nerve injury: Nerves can be injured from one large trauma, like a football stinger, or from multiple traumas, like being a cashier. This could be in several places along the length of the nerves in your neck and arms, and injury in one place can be magnified by bad posture. If the nerve cannot properly function because of pressure or tension in one or more areas then the whole nerve suffers as well as the muscles, organs, or tissues that the nerve communicates with.
Pic credit: NCA
- Pressure on the spinal nerves: Spinal nerves are the name of the nerves as they exit your spinal cord. Nerves can be injured with very little pressure applied to them, as little as the weight of a dime. These nerves can be injured by disc herniation, poor movement or even arthritis.
- Remaining in some certain positions for too long: Nerves can have too much pressure or arteries can be compressed or occluded. Think about your hands falling asleep from sitting with your arm around the couch or chair or resting your arms above your head for too long.
- General lack of blood supply: This could be from an anatomical blockage, injury to an artery, or other systemic conditions. If blood cannot properly flow to an area, the function decreases.
- A lack of vitamins: Specifically Vitamins B1 or B12.
- Blood electrolyte imbalances: Abnormal levels of calcium, potassium, or sodium in your body.
- Toxic loads in the body: Chemotherapy, heavy metals, various home and industrial products and wastes.
With so many causes of hand numbness, how can Intelligent Balance Spinal Care Help?
- We do a detailed consultation and health history analysis to begin to determine the cause or causes of hand numbness.
- We do a comprehensive examination, including neurological, musculoskeletal, postural and chiropractic.
- We provide you with a complete report of our findings and possible solutions to your symptoms.
How does Upper Cervical Chiropractic Work?
We utilize state of the art laser aligned 3D Postural device the measures the whole body. This tell us the body’s relationship to gravity, and how it is affecting the body. We then adjust in the upper cervical region to restore optimal body function, body coordination, joint symmetry, muscle balance. When the entire body is balanced, nerve function improves, blood flow improves and the body begins to work at its ideal level. Remember all the potential causes from above? If nerve flow is improved, movement is restored, and blood flow is improved…then many of the causes may be corrected!
If you know someone who is suffering from hand symptoms (numbness, pain, tingling, discomfort, carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet), we encourage you to share this information with them!