Did you know that by the time we turn 10 years old we have had at least 1,000 traumas to our bodies? Pillow fights, falls off bikes, falls off beds, wrestling with siblings, falls when learning to walk, falls when learning to stand, falls when learning to crawl and sit, contact sports, and the first trauma for all of us is traveling through the birth canal. All of these traumas can cause undetected nervous system damage and affect our posture and ultimately our health.
If our first trauma is when we are born, when do you think we should first get checked?
In our experience, chiropractic in early childhood can prevent and decrease many health ailments, and research is beginning to show confirm this
“More and more parents are seeking chiropractic care for their children. Many spinal problems seen in adults began as early as birth. Even so called “natural” birthing methods can stress an infant’s spine and developing nerve system. The resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal and cranial misalignment can be the cause of many newborn health complaints. Colic, breathing problems, nursing difficulties, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions and chronic infections can often be traced to nerve system stress.”1
Chiropractic care is important while children are developing their natural spinal curves. The curves develop as we change interaction with gravity. Those times are: laying still to rolling over, rolling over to sitting, sitting to crawling, and finally crawling to walking. These are all important milestones to have a checkup for children. Other times when you should get a child into a trained upper cervical chiropractor is with traumas. A fall off a bike, for example, is an appropriate time for children to be checked. During these developmental times, the spinal cord doubles in size and length.
So, we encourage you to take the toddler challenge!
Over the next week, watch, observe, journal your child – how many falls off bike? How many head bumps on the counter or coffee table? How many attempted summersaults that end up with the head and neck in some stressed position? How many naps or bedtimes sleeping on their belly? How many sports collisions? The list can go on and on and on! We are asking for you to watch for ALL traumas big and small, there doesn’t need to be blood for it to count.
For which conditions might you want your child to see an Upper Cervical Chiropractor? We see many infants, toddlers, and children for:
Growing pains
Pain (neck, back, joint)
Chronic ear infection
Poor posture
Frequent colds
Allergies and Asthma
Bed wetting
Overly emotional behavior
Motor delays
Call to schedule an appointment to see how we can help you and your children!